Sunday, February 28, 2010

Melbourne is beautiful!

Last October I moved from sunny Brisbane to sunny/windy/rainy/sunny (all in one day) Melbourne. Don't ask me why, because now when I think back to my reasons for doing it, I just see a blur of craziness. But when I took these photos it became clear to me why I've begun to fall in love with this city.

As part of my self induction to being a Melbourne local, I entered my brother and I into the Run For the Kids charity run next month. Mebourne is so lovely in the late afternoon so I decided to take my camera on a training run and hence my bro stars in a couple of the following pics.

Running into the sun made for a nice effect, not sure about my vision though.

Personal websites are over rated for your average over dreamer

Hi there, my names Jessica, I'm a Graphic/Web/Designer/Developer from Mebourne Australia. I used to have website, but for about 10/12 months it was completely useless. I had such big dreams for my website, it was going to be not only a showcase for my portfolio but a website where I would blog about everything from new design trends, internet marketing, great books I was reading to cooking recipes I had found and baked myself. Oh it was all so daunting whenever I thought about having to do anything to that website, I'd set myself such big goals in a small amount of time without sketching out some sort of plan on how I was going to achieve it. And then a few weeks ago I received an email or should I say, an invoice for the next 12 months hosting...

It was at this point I questioned myself..."do I really need this website for what I'm using it for?" The answer was no. So I've scraped the daunting, over achieving website and started with baby steps, which in good time and patience will one day turn into giant leaps...but for now let's focus on the baby steps.

That brings me to this point in time. I've ditched the website and moved to the trusty free blog. What am I going to do with this thing? Well I'll tell you one thing, it will not be a place of expectations, but a place to grow and nourish my pressure! It will be a place for me to entertain and inspire my creativity and i hope anyone who cares to read will be too. So please stay tuned over the next indefinite months because this place is set to become my creative lair.

Peace Out. <3 J